
Lets face it, we need a routine to keep things in our lives rolling. Whether its diet, exercise, family time, or work, building a schedule and keeping things as consistent as possible will make the little surprises more easily to manage. Imagine if we always flung by the seat of our pants, how would you handle the unexpected? How would that make you feel?

Less stress is what we are after. Here are some schedules to help get some things more situated.

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High Fiber for weight loss and health

  • Normalizes bowel movements. Dietary fiber increases the weight and size of your stool and softens it. (insoluble fiber softens stool while soluble fiber adds bulk)

  • Lowers cholesterol levels. You need fiber as it binds to LDL cholesterol so it can be removed from the body

  • Help to control blood sugar levels. Soluble fiber in particular, slows down the absorption of sugar in the body (ahem like sugar in fruit hence why fruit is healthy even if it has sugar)

  • Improves weight loss efforts to by decreasing your appetite.

Focusing on just diet and exercise, perhaps you need a starting point, a foundation to build so to speak.

 Take control of the things you actually have control over, your ability to create a schedule. If you have the time every morning, have some coffee and go over what you need to do for the day.